We Can No Longer Rely On The Government...

[~3 minute read]

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I’ve spoken to 3-4 nonprofits in the past two weeks who’ve shared a similar worry: “The government is pulling our funding on ‘x’ project, and we have no idea how we’ll replace the grants…”

This is a harsh reality for nonprofits that rely on government funding

One of those non-profits that is getting their funding cut, helps at risk youth get education and mentorship to integrate into society without friction.

Imagine already being an at-risk youth and then being told that your educational program is shutting down because government support has been cut…

So lets take politics out of the equation and ask ourselves..
👉 How can we as business owners and entrepreneurs do our part to help?

The one thing I do know about entrepreneurs and business owners is that they love being part of change and DISRUPTING what is normal.

So what if we started thinking different about our approach to charity and the way it is funded?

What if we stopped making charity as an “optional” decision in our businesses, but started making it standard practice.

Think of this:
If every business owner added a line item of giving in their business, we could start eliminating the need for charities to rely on government funding.

→ Every real estate agent donated a % of commision to charity for every house they sold?

→ Or every time you went and got an oil change, they supported a local cause?

→ Or for every 5 pairs of shoes sold from a local shoe company they donated a pair to someone in need.

and we also know that CONSUMERS want to see this, because in many survey between 80-90% say they would prefer to buy from companies that share about their impact.

The concept is around taking the bad word of capitalism, which has been labelled as greedy business owners, and turning it into philanthropic capitalism where business owners are now the ones supporting the charities that need us.

Margaret Mead has a quote that sums this concept up the best:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has”

So I challenge you to think about how you can use your business to create a bigger purpose than just making profits.

How about we start tracking the amount of IMPACT we make as a metric in our business.

Don’t overthink it, don’t complicate it—just make giving a simple, integral part of your business.

Who knows? One day, nonprofits might be funded solely by businesses, not government grants.


  1. Non-profits are losing government funding..fast

  2. We as business owners have the opportunity to solve the problem

  3. A small act of kindness from a large group of people can make a huge difference

  4. Lets start tracking IMPACT like the track PROFIT and see what happens!

PS: If you want to join other impact driven business owners that are using their business to make a bigger impact in the world, check out The Impact Circle.
🔗 www.impactcircle.network 


or to participate.