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- 5 ways to make impact TODAY!
5 ways to make impact TODAY!
[~4 minute read]

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Too many people over complicate giving and end up not doing anything at all…
I speak to 10-15 people a week about how to build more impact into their business and life and I always run into the same thing over and over again.
Too many people complicate the process.
They take a simple act of kindness and turn it into a complicated process of solving world hunger…Which is super amazing, until they get overwhelmed and then don’t do any act of kindness.
But thats why we are here. I have learned that once people start with a small and easy act of impact, it usually leads to larger ones.
The dopamine rush we get when we give is addicting, so the more little acts of kindness we do, the more addicted we get to the feeling and the more we built it into our lifestyle.
So here are 5 easy ways that you can give TODAY without needing to over think anything;
(yes; this is a list of all the things I have done in the past few months and not just chat GPT suggestions)
1. Buy a Coffee for a Stranger
When you’re in line at your favorite coffee shop, pay for the person behind you.
This simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day—and it feels amazing to do.
Not visiting a coffee shop, why not send a gift card to that single parent you know is struggling to get by.
2. Drop Off Food At A Local Pantry
Look through your cupboards for non-perishables you no longer need, or buy an extra can of goods at the grocery store.
That extra box of pasta or can of soup could help feed a family in need especially around the holidays!
3. Socialize With A Homeless Person.
Often times the homeless just want to be treated like a normal human and feel seen and heard like the rest of us.
Sitting down and talking to them and hearing their life story is a powerful act of service that is truly under-rated.
4. Volunteer At A Nearby Animal Shelter
Love animals? Shelters are always looking for people to help with walking dogs or cuddling cats.
It’s fun, therapeutic, and makes a huge difference for those furry friends.
Don’t have time to cuddle? Call and ask what supplies they need right now and drop them off!
*We did this a few months ago, the lady cried when we brought in cat treats and dog food because they said they were running so low… $50 = memory ill cherish forever.
5. Support A Local Kid’s Team Or Activity
Many kids’ teams are underfunded and rely on community support.
Cover a small expense like jerseys or equipment—you’ll be a hero in their eyes.
Want the ultimate win?
Buy the dang cookies the kids are selling at the front of the store and give the box away to someone who could benefit from it! ….win-win-win all around!
So I challenge you today, pick one of these 5 things to make an impact today and send me an email back letting me know which one you chose and the impact it had on you!!
Or, if your really keen, do 1 of these each over 5 weeks and you will see the difference in the gratitude you have for life 🫶🏻
Too many people over-complicate giving
Build up from simple acts to larger acts, but start small
Copy this list down and do 1 a week for 5 weeks and see what it does to you
Don’t be afraid to share your impact with someone, it helps you express your excitement for doing good and build retention on the feeling.
→ PS: If you want to join other impact driven business owners that are using their business to make a bigger impact in the world, check out The Impact Circle.
đź”— www.impactcircle.network